chain transmission kit
Lateral automation system for large sectional overhead doors, complete with accessories to meet every type of installation requirement. Available with cord or chain manual release devices.
Available in the single phase version with 230 V AC motor.
Ease of installation
Fitted onto the drive shaft or with pinion and chain transmission, it makes other movement devices superfluous, with consequent savings in installation time and cost of materials.
Adjustable rotary limit switch group. The opening cycles managed by the gear motor help preserve the entire mechanics of the sectional overhead door over time. The small and compact dimensions of the gear motor make it suitable even for applications where space is restricted.
The Ditec DOD automation is complete with safety accessories and controls in compliance with standards in force.
Distinctive features
Also available in kit:
The automation system can be completed with Ditec command, control and safety devices
Ditec DOD accessories are easy to choose:
chain transmission kit
drive shaft with Z24 pinion
1/2” chain - 5 m sections
coupling for 1/2” chain
manual operation rod h = 3000 mm
manual re-opening device with rod
manual re-opening device featuring chain