These incorporate detection of presence and movement of people in both directions for the monitored area, in a single product
Control sensors for automatic sliding doors that use active infra-red technology to detect presence of people and active infra-red or microwave technology to detect motion.
All these sensors comply with standard EN 16005 and guarantee the safety of people passing through or near the monitored entrances: detection is monitored in accordance with European standards.
Ditec PASAA2 uses active infra-red technology for the open control while Ditec PAS024AS and Ditec PAS024ASW use 24 Ghz microwave technology.
With the PAS024ASW sensor it possible to reduce heat loss due to undesirable opening of the entrances, thanks to the fact that it can be set with monodirectional operation (the sensor activates the opening only if it detects approaching motion).
Thanks to the microwave technology, they are available in versions with monodirectional detection, useful for the rapid closure of the door after passage which allows reduced air and heat exchange between environments.