To make the gates work on sloping entrances, attention must be paid to some key aspects. Then, with the right Ditec automations and the support of the Ditec team, everything becomes possible.
Ditec produces automation for swing gates with a wing length of up to five metres, which can be installed on an entrance with a slope of up to 10%.
In addition to the degree of slope, the weight of the gate, the wind resistance of the leaf and the intensity of use must be taken into account.
Thanks to this, our partner Brix Zaun + Tor GmbH, assisted by the technical expert of our branch Ditec Germany, is able to install automatic gates even in particularly difficult situations.
Automatic gates installed on sloping surfaces must brake more powerfully when closing. While for rapid opening despite the slope, the automation must push with more force. Ditec PWR swing gate operators represent the optimal solution in terms of quality, robustness, ease of installation and reduced maintenance, which combine with the competence and professionalism of Brix, which in its numerous installations in Austria, in the Burgenland and Niederösterreich regions, has also paid particular attention to safety devices.
Thanks to Brix Zaun + Tor GmbH and the German colleagues who took care of the installations.