The new Ditec Door Connect App is now available

Ditec is pleased to announce to you the release of the Ditec Door Connect App in Ditec branded version and a new blazing red design!

The App is free of charge and available on the Play Store (Android version) and the Apple App Store (IOS version) and will be automatically updated (based on the personal settings for App update of devices).

For those who have not yet had the occasion of downloading and using Ditec Door Connect, we remind you that you can easily use it in combination with Bluetooth® function selectors COM501 and COM502, offering the end user access to the following features:

  • 5 functions, including RESET
  • Download and send events and statistic log
  • Download and send error log
  • Add and manage App users (up to 7)
  • Manage setting of partial opening and timer-controlled automatic closing parameters
  • People count and flow control management

As always, for any question or doubt, you can contact our sales team or our technical support.