Ditec DAS107PLUS becomes even more performing!

Ditec DAS107 PlusDitec DAS107 Plus

Ditec DAS107PLUS becomes even more performing and is enriched with new features

Try it with a Digital Electronic Program Selector

Thanks to its constantly evolving electronics, it is now possible to use with our automation for sliding doors Ditec DAS107PLUS the COM500ES digital electronic program selector, as well as the key selector (COM501MKS) and knob selector (COM501MHS).

New Control Possibilities

Furthermore, the following additional functions will be available on the new generation control panels of DAS107PLUS:

  • monitoring of the emergency unit (using parameter 10) with test adjustment (using parameter 40)
  • setting the cycle counter for carrying out scheduled maintenance with LED signaling (parameter 55)
  • display and selection of the weight and friction of the door leaves, as for DAS200 (parameters 68 and 69)
  • introduction of the parameters for the management of the COM500ES selector (parameters B1, B2, B7 and B8)