In this historic Venetian abode, where art and culture come to life, Ditec automatic entrances open the Museum doors to its numerous visitors
Amid history and technology, Ditec installations never cease to amaze!
We're in Venice, in a 16th century building where it's possible to admire the most important European collection of invaluable furnishings, paintings, china and sculptures, and where temporary exhibitions - with particular focus on contemporary art - are held.
Ditec, as a leader in the field of automatic doors, was chosen for the automatic entrances, with consultancy provided by our partner Nordest Automazioni s.r.l. - specialised in entrance automation systems and with renowned and consolidated experience that enabled it to develop a preservative yet innovative project.
The reasons why the choice fell on Ditec automatic doors: practicality, safety, simple assembly and versatile applications, prestige, architectural enhancement, transit control and, in the case of air-conditioned areas, optimised energy consumption.
Another prestigious installation, and an example of the perfect combination of past and present guaranteed by Ditec automations, for excellent comfort.