Ditec automatic doors... for an unforgettable evening

Just a stone's throw from there's LA VINOTECA, where all the entrances have been automated with Ditec solutions.

The premises are large, with well-organised rooms filled with local wines, and all the entrances are equipped with Ditec automatic sliding doors.

The main entrance and the bulk wine sales area are fitted with two Ditec automatic DAS200 doors, each with two fixed door wings and two mobile ones, for a transit width of up to 3 metres.

The various rooms are marked off with Ditec VALOR automatic doors with a fixed door wing and a moving one, with elegant tempered and etched glass.

The kitchen is accessed via an elegant automatic door in solid wood, opened and closed by means of the Ditec OLLY C automation.


Ditec DAS200 is the innovative automatic Ditec door that uses software to dynamically control all the operating parameters, thus maximising performance. The Ditec DAS200 operating unit is designed to cater for all possible applications, with total precision and safety.

Ditec VALOR and OLLY C are reliable, well-tested automation systems that have been part of the Ditec range for a long time. Ditec OLLY C, in particular, is the right solution for automating existing sliding doors, without any need for masonry work. The robust, unflagging motor can easily move the heavy solid wood wing and is activated in this case by means of a handy button on the wall.

The automatic doors were supplied by our trusted partner Nordest Automazioni.